The happenings, thoughts, learning, and ideas along my journey of becoming a future teacher.
Favorite Quotes:
“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.” Clay P. Bedford
“A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Adams
“A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Adams
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Takeaways: Charts I made for my future classroom.
I absolutely LOVE Mrs. Casey's use of text coding with almost every lesson. She has a chart similar to this one, and she uses it usually with informational texts like TIME for Kids. The students' first read the story and put their own text codes beside the passages as they read. Mrs. Casey also projects the copy of the text on the board, and she puts a few text codes as she reads as well. Then she calls on different students' to go put a code on the board where they put one on their paper. They then read the text together. They pause throughout to discuss the codes that are beside a particular passage. I love this because readers are thinkers! This really encourages students to think about the text as they read it!
Another takeaway I will use in my future classroom is think, pair, and share. I was already familiar with this strategy, but I really liked Mrs. Casey's anchor chart and reference to it throughout her lessons. I made this anchor chart to use! I even added think, pair, and share strategy to all my lessons taught in Mrs. Casey's class.
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